After reblogging one of Kate Nashing's Foudre tee shirts on my blog she dropped me an e-mail offering one--as mildly obscure fashion statements on basic tees are a complete win I responded with a quick "please and thank you." This shirt is, of course, dedicated to the one and totally awful Terry Richardson. I dislike him for many reasons. My aesthetics are much more Tim Walker than over-edited Annie Leibotwitz or the over-exposed (in more ways than one) Terry Richardson. For me that's reason enough to dislike the man; seriously how did his plain and predictable photographs become so famous? Yet visuals are only the tip of the iceberg since his behavior on set is often very creepy if not downright inappropriate (a simple Google search of his name will unearth article after article and first-hand accounts from victims). It's frustrating to me that the fashion industry continues to support someone who blatantly misuses his power. It's not the fashion I'm a fan of. Anyway, the tee is a nice, simplistic way to make my opinions clear...